What day is it? Why am I here…?
Now that most of us are quarantined at home, it feels like time has really slowed down for us.
With days soon feel like weeks and weeks soon feel like months, quarantine boredom might even get you lying on the floor staring up to the ceiling asking “What day is it…?” “Why am I here…?” “Who am I…?”
Jokes aside, that’s because we’re now removed from the fast-paced lifestyle we’re so used to. Rushing for our 9 to 5, attending meetings after meetings or even overtime to meet deadlines.
On the surface, most people would see it as slow torture. But here’s what very few people have noticed.
They’ve realised that they appreciate the little things like the sun shining through their windows now.
They treasure every hour they have as a chance to finally finish something they couldn’t complete because of work.
They cherish the smiles on their family’s faces and the happy moments they have together.
People are appreciating more now. In our opinion, that’s actually something to learn from.
So what about you?
Is there a book you’ve been wanting to read? What about the Star Wars movie marathon that you’ve always wanted to take a day off for? Have you been spending enough time with your family? Did you finally master that dish?
Truth is, we can still find beauty in a storm before a rainbow comes. So let’s be appreciative of what we have as our hearts go out to the heroes who are on the front lines saving thousands of lives right now.
Stay positive, stay safe.
"In a time of destruction, create something."
Maxine Hong Kingston